
active designs blog

8 Ways To Make Your Home Office Space More Productive

Did you know that your home office space can affect your productivity and overall success at work? In consideration of this fact, here are a few keys to creating a space that personifies you and inspires you while you work.

  • Start with a clean state- Declutter your work zone completely. Devoid of any objects, a space is easier to be assessed in terms of storage attributes, ambience and specifically accommodating the tools of your trade.
  • Organize- Organize your personal effects in piles under files, stationery, photo frames and memorabilia, memo board, etc. Collect smaller articles in boxes or trays (like clips, post it’s, pens). Analyse the decorative aspects of the same (colour pencils in cups, post it’s gathered on clipboard attractively etc.) Consider upgrading files and storage boxes to be color or theme coordinated.
  •  Evolve- Change your room around a theme or color that inspires you or is peaceful. Identify ways to incorporate it in the décor of your space. The room may be painted or the or the zone may be accentuated with wall paper, taking a cue from your mood board.
  • Furniture- In the event of the absence of an ergonomically modelled office chair, a regular chair may be made comfortable by the addition of cushions. It will also serve as a platform for introducing colour and motif in sync with your theme.
  • Locations & Light- It would be ideal to have your desk near a window. Lighting may, however be supplemented by the use of table lamps or pedestal lamps. While table lamps can be both functional and decorative, pedestal lamps are a boon for those with maximised desk space. Additional lighting under shelves above tables are also worth considering.
  • Camouflage  all wires, clips and cords-  It  can be used to gather the wires, which can easily be tucked in to a common box(which could even be fitted with an extension cord). The noodle mess of wires is detrimental to work.
  • Style your shelves- Organize the larger pieces (files and boxes) on the shelf first, leaving gaps for introducing the smaller articles. Next weave in photo frames, inspirational quotes, posters, etc (anything that has a frame). Lastly layer with 3 dimensional objects, which could also be the tools of your trade/hobby (a cup of colour pencils, a camera, a telescope), as well as reflective of your pursuits and personality.
  • Connect with nature- Plants on the floor and on the shelves, sublimely affect your mood. Choose from a range of indoor plants or use artificial greens.

          In a few easy steps, you would have achieved a clutter free, organized, comfortable and inspiring office.